Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Art Blog

Tips, Tricks, Thoughts, and inspiration from across the art spectrum.

Artist Tip 8: Some Thoughts on Landscape Painting: Rusticating In Paint

Artist Tip 8: Some Thoughts on Landscape Painti...

CJAS Staff

If it's rusty, old, bent, or broken and somewhere out in the countryside, do you have an irresistible urge to paint it? Nothing seems to attract a watercolorist more than...

Artist Tip 8: Some Thoughts on Landscape Painti...

CJAS Staff

If it's rusty, old, bent, or broken and somewhere out in the countryside, do you have an irresistible urge to paint it? Nothing seems to attract a watercolorist more than...

Artist Tip 9: It's All About the Edges

Artist Tip 9: It's All About the Edges

CJAS Staff

When you are first learning to paint in watercolor, you don't think much about edges. You're mostly concerned with control. You consider the painting a technical triumph when the dark...

Artist Tip 9: It's All About the Edges

CJAS Staff

When you are first learning to paint in watercolor, you don't think much about edges. You're mostly concerned with control. You consider the painting a technical triumph when the dark...

Artist Tip 10: Sneaky Darks

Artist Tip 10: Sneaky Darks

CJAS Staff

Whoever told you that you should "always put your darkest darks next to your lightest lights" should have his (or, maybe, her) teaching certificate revoked. It is true that when...

Artist Tip 10: Sneaky Darks

CJAS Staff

Whoever told you that you should "always put your darkest darks next to your lightest lights" should have his (or, maybe, her) teaching certificate revoked. It is true that when...

Artist Tip 11: Color in Shadows

Artist Tip 11: Color in Shadows

CJAS Staff

Most watercolorists seem wonderfully color-oriented when painting the lights in their landscapes. They fill these areas with vibrant and lively color. But when they address the shadow areas, they seem...

Artist Tip 11: Color in Shadows

CJAS Staff

Most watercolorists seem wonderfully color-oriented when painting the lights in their landscapes. They fill these areas with vibrant and lively color. But when they address the shadow areas, they seem...

Artist Tip 12: Adding Metallic Foil

Artist Tip 12: Adding Metallic Foil

CJAS Staff

If you're a painter who likes to experiment with or occasionally try new materials, you'll have loads of fun with reflective materials, such as gold leaf and metallic foils.

Artist Tip 12: Adding Metallic Foil

CJAS Staff

If you're a painter who likes to experiment with or occasionally try new materials, you'll have loads of fun with reflective materials, such as gold leaf and metallic foils.

Artist Tip 13: Value Sketching

Artist Tip 13: Value Sketching

CJAS Staff

The number, shape, proportion, and placement of your lightest values are important considerations when planning a painting. To help make design decisions more easily, try using a medium-gray marker pen...

Artist Tip 13: Value Sketching

CJAS Staff

The number, shape, proportion, and placement of your lightest values are important considerations when planning a painting. To help make design decisions more easily, try using a medium-gray marker pen...

Artist Tip 14: Design For Dummies

Artist Tip 14: Design For Dummies

CJAS Staff

Go to the file cabinet labeled DESIGN, open the drawer titled THE ELEMENTS and take out the file called LINE. The file is divided into two sections, STRAIGHT LINES and...

Artist Tip 14: Design For Dummies

CJAS Staff

Go to the file cabinet labeled DESIGN, open the drawer titled THE ELEMENTS and take out the file called LINE. The file is divided into two sections, STRAIGHT LINES and...

Artist Tip 15: Competing in Painting

Artist Tip 15: Competing in Painting

CJAS Staff

Should less-experienced painters begin by submitting work to local shows or should they immediately try to compete on the regional or national level?

Artist Tip 15: Competing in Painting

CJAS Staff

Should less-experienced painters begin by submitting work to local shows or should they immediately try to compete on the regional or national level?

Artist Tip 16: Getting a New Slant on Painting

Artist Tip 16: Getting a New Slant on Painting

CJAS Staff

Watercolor is not easy to control. When painting, if you tip your board up high, the paint runs off the paper and onto your shoes; and, if you lay your...

Artist Tip 16: Getting a New Slant on Painting

CJAS Staff

Watercolor is not easy to control. When painting, if you tip your board up high, the paint runs off the paper and onto your shoes; and, if you lay your...

Artist Tip 17: Paint BIG

Artist Tip 17: Paint BIG

CJAS Staff

There is no element in designing a painting that is more important than the size relationship of the shapes you employ. One of the generally accepted principles of design is...

Artist Tip 17: Paint BIG

CJAS Staff

There is no element in designing a painting that is more important than the size relationship of the shapes you employ. One of the generally accepted principles of design is...

Artist Tip 18: Value Contrast

Artist Tip 18: Value Contrast

CJAS Staff

I am the proud owner of a black lab named Jazz. When she is resting on her off white dog bed her marvelous black silhouette begs to be painted. A...

Artist Tip 18: Value Contrast

CJAS Staff

I am the proud owner of a black lab named Jazz. When she is resting on her off white dog bed her marvelous black silhouette begs to be painted. A...

Artist Tip 19: Intensity Contrast

Artist Tip 19: Intensity Contrast

CJAS Staff

In the last issue of Palette-able Tips, I introduced you to my dog, Jazz, and used her as an example of how value contrast may be used to serve a...

Artist Tip 19: Intensity Contrast

CJAS Staff

In the last issue of Palette-able Tips, I introduced you to my dog, Jazz, and used her as an example of how value contrast may be used to serve a...