Watercolor Painting Supplies: Joe’s List of Everything You Need

“I was a practicing pharmacist in my mid-40s when I took up watercolor. All I wanted to do was paint nice little landscapes, local scenes, barns, homes, the mountains, etc. It didn’t take me long to come to the conclusion that I couldn’t draw a straight line and had no talent. I failed time and time again, partly because I didn’t have good materials. I had dime store paint and paper and I was frustrated. An art professor at our local university helped me. He gave me a list of things I would need telling me, “You’ll never learn watercolor if you don’t have good paper, quality paint, and brushes." The list of things I would need included 100 sheets of watercolor paper. He said if you buy a sheet or two, you will never learn watercolor because you will be afraid you will ruin your paper." - Joe Miller

The genesis of Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff began with pharmacist Joe Miller’s love for watercolor as a complete beginner. Cheap Joe’s developed and grew alongside Joe’s art, and he eventually became a teacher himself. For his students, he created a list of the best watercolor painting supplies for beginners, which we want to share with you.

Joe’s mission for Cheap Joe’s was to offer artists the best quality art supplies at affordable prices so they wouldn’t be prohibited from reaching their potential by poor materials. The materials he recommended for his classes are ones he developed with that goal in mind. For example, American Journey is a professional quality watercolor paint that comes in larger, more economical 37 ml. tubes, so artists don’t feel they have to be stingy about learning through experimentation. And Cheap Joe’s Kilimanjaro paper is a professional 100% cotton watercolor paper that costs less than similar papers of the same quality, again, so that artists don’t have to feel precious about each sheet.

Outlined here is Joe’s last art supply list for the last watercolor class he taught in 2018. If you were ever lucky enough to take a workshop with Joe Miller, you know his generosity of spirit and his contagious enthusiasm for art, learning, experimentation, and fun. His product recommendations below are designed for beginners and experienced watercolorists alike and were developed from his years of experience through trial and error. Interspersed throughout are Joe’s quotes from his beginner watercolor workbook.

various photos of Joe Miller teaching

You can download your own copy of Joe’s last art supply list to print or share. If you’d like to view the art supply lists of other top instructors, you can browse their art supply lists too. These lists are a great way to see what professional artists use and recommend for watercolor, acrylic, oil, colored pencil, mixed media, and more.


I use American Journey Professional Watercolors, but you can use DaVinci, Winsor & Newton, Holbein, Daniel Smith, or any professional grade. Listed below are five color groups. Please bring to class at least one color from each group. If you have the colors in your current art supplies, Great! And, feel free to bring any other colors you use.


  • Joe’s Yellow
  • New Gamboge
  • Raw Sienna
  • Quinacridone Gold Deep


  • Indanthrone Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Any Dark Blue


  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Permanent Rose
  • Rich Opera (aka Wild Fuchsia)
  • Quinacridone Red Rose Deep (aka Rambling Rose)


  • Quinacridone Burnt Scarlet (aka Lucky Penny)
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Burnt Umber
  • Quinacridone Burnt Orange


  • Cobalt Blue
  • Sky Blue
  • Cerulean Blue

“The 15 ml size is adequate for starters. However, if you really want to make a rock-solid commitment to yourself that you “will " learn watercolor then buy the 37 ml. size and 25 sheets of watercolor paper… [My palette] changes. I add a color. I take out a color. There are 100’s of colors and you can add them to your palette as you travel this wonderful journey."

Joe's palette diagram with labelled color names

Joe's Full Watercolor Palette Set-Up (clockwise from top left): Joe's Yellow (Pure - so it's kept clean), Joe's Yellow (Mixing - use this one to mix other colors), New Gamboge, Halloween Orange, Raw Sienna, Quinacridone Gold Deep, Quinacridone Sienna, Quinacridone Burnt Scarlet, Quinacridone Burnt Orange, Burnt Sienna, Quinacridone Red Rose Deep, Permanent Rose, Joe's Red, Cadmium Red Wild Fuchsia, Periwinkle, Sky Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Joe's Blue, Indanthrone Blue, Royal Amethyst, Andrew's Turquoise, Lamp Black, Titanium White, Joe's Green, Skip's Green, and Sap Green.


Any that has a good fitting lid such as Cheap Joe’s Piggy Back Palette, or American Journey Porcelain Cavalcade, or Frank Webb Palette. **I fill my palette with warm colors to cool colors. We will go over that when you arrive. (Joe’s video of how to set up your watercolor palette.)

“You will need a watercolor palette. My all time favorite is the American Journey Cavalcade, a heavy duty porcelain palette that will outlast us all. However, any plastic palette with a lid will do and they are less expensive. Be sure you get one that has at least sixteen or more wells and two mixing areas like the Cheap Joe’s Piggyback or Cheap Joe’s Original."


Any good quality natural or synthetic brush will do. My favorites are the American Journey Interlocked or Golden Fleece brand. *Bring what you have, but the essentials for this class are:

  • Rounds- size 8 or 10
  • Flats- size 1/2" and 1"
  • Rigger- size 1 or 2
  • OPTIONAL- 1 1/2" or 2" Golden Fleece Flat Wash
  • old toothbrush

“Use the largest brush you can until you can’t stand it any longer, then a smaller one. Save smallest for detail."


Only professional 100% cotton rag:  Kilimanjaro brand, Arches, Saunders Waterford, Fabriano, etc.  Please don’t bring student grade paper! It can be either 140 lb. or 300 lb. Cold Pressed Paper. For a 3 day workshop, bring at least 3 half sheets (22" x 15"). For a 4 or 5 day workshop, bring at least 4 or 5 half sheets (22" x 15"), (or 2 or 3 full-size sheets (22" x 30").

“The essential item is watercolor paper. You MUST buy good paper. … Don’t even think about using “cheap" wood fiber papers. They will frustrate you and you really will be discouraged. The investment in good, high quality cotton paper will pay big dividends." - Joe


Gatorfoam Board - Half sheet size (16" x 23") I suggest bringing two.

It is lightweight, waterproof, accepts staples or tape, and will last a very long time. If you don’t have Gatorboard, feel free to bring whatever support you normally use, but be sure it will fit the paper you are using, and is waterproof. FOAM CORE WILL NOT WORK!


“Always put tape on your clothing before putting on paper. This removes just enough tack to prevent it from tearing the watercolor paper when removing."

  • 8-1/2" x 11" sketchbook with 70 lb. paper or heavier (for notes and sketching).
  • VIVA brand paper towels (this brand is best)
  • Kleenex Tissue
  • 1/4 and 1/2 sheet pre-cut white mats, or at least bring mats to fit your painting size. *The Cheap Joe’s reusable plastic mats (Gem Finders) are ideal for this.
  • Roll of toilet paper (not kidding!)
  • Household stapler
  • Joe will have samples of Cheap Joe’s Paint Eraser Rejuvenating Sponges
  • Joe will provide a #3 drawing pencil and plastic eraser.


IMPORTANT- Bring many sketches and/or photos to use as painting references. We will work on lots of these.

Also, bring a painting of your current work that you have done, but are not satisfied with.  NOT matted or framed, please. **Please bring these on DAY 1**

“This is the hard part. If you used a photograph or other reference to do your value study, you must put the photograph or reference away. Do not look at it! Use your value study to complete the painting. This is tough love! The temptation is great. Just don’t do it and you will end up with a painting that has YOU in it and not just a copy of a photo."

Joe’s last art supply list handout page 1Joe’s last art supply list handout page 2

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